Sunday, September 20, 2009

16F917 CCP Block PWM

PIC 16F917 PWM Generation:

PWM can easily be generated on the PIC 16F917 using the CCP block . If you are new to this concept then let me introduce it to you.

New Microcontrollers contain dedicated hardware blocks for generating signals and for doing special functions. An example of these blocks is the CCP block in many Microchip Microcontrollers.

In this post, I 'll introduce you with the CCP block of the PIC 16F917 Microcontroller.

It is called Capture , Compare and PWM block. Here, we explain the PWM function.

As the name implies, it generates PWM signals in hardware instead of the software PWM signal we generated using the PIC 16F84 in an old post of this blog.

The advantage of this concept is that you save code space and processing time for another functions and tasks.

So how can you configure this block ?

You 'll find an extensive explanation for this topic on the PIC 16F917 datasheet.

And I used this link to calculate the values for the block configuration registers.

You can find the design files and source code for the project here .

Now you can use this project to control any circuit with PWM signals generated with PIC 16F917 CCP PWM block as you did before by using PIC 16F84.

You can control DC motor speed , LED intensity and make Mood Light.

If you have any questions or feedback, contact me.

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