Monday, October 5, 2009

Moway robot

Moway is a robotic system based on the famous Microchip PIC Microcontroller. It is very useful for students of robotics and embedded systems courses.

Moway is a small autonomous robot designed mainly for practical applications of mobile robotics.

Technical Specifications:

The robot is controller by a 4Mhz PIC16F876A Micorcontroller.

As for the drive system, Moway has a dual servo-motor unit enables it to move.

The drive system is a closed loop system that uses PWM signals to control the speed of the motor and an encoder signal to measure the speed.

The movement of Moway can be controlled through different parameters:

Speed control, Time control , Distance traveled and Angle control.

Also, Moway is equipped with sensors used for advanced autonomous motion control :

Line sensor : Mounted on the lower front part of the robot to determine the shade of color on which the robot is standing.

Obstacle detection sensors : These sensors operate in the same way as the line sensors, but they can determine the presence of obstacles ( in digital mode ) and the distance of it ( in analog mode ).

Light sensors : Measures the intensity of ambient light and the change in it.

Moway has an expansion connector to which an RF module can be connected to communicate with other Moways or with a PC.

There are four LEDs used for indication.

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