Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gyro Horizon. Renesas RX62N Kit

In this post, we 'll show an advanced kit from Renesas based on a modern microcontroller RX62N.

I received this kit by participation in Renesas Design Contest 2010. The kit has various types of sensors and interfaces to the outer world that cannot be makes you wonder how to use them all in one application. For example, it contains a 3D accelerometer and a temperature sensor, USB , CAN , Ethernet and RS-232 interfaces and an alphanumeric LCD.

The contest allows each contestant participate using only one application.

I wondered what application should I design , and I decided to design an ADI after being inspired by the Embraer 170 ADI ( Attitude Direction Indication )

This is the ADI

The ADI is an important aviation instrument that helps the pilot controlling and the aircraft. It senses and indicates Pitch ( Up and Down ) and Roll ( Right and Left ) attitude of the aircraft.

The actual ADI instrument senses the attitude using sensors in the aircraft called Gyroscope. The modern types of ADI collects attitude data from an electronic device called Laser Gyro or Fiber Optic Gyro.

My version of ADI uses a built in sensor in the Renesas kit called Accelerometer.

This is the running application on the kit ( ADI appears on the LCD )

Accelerometer is an electronic MEMS sensor that senses acceleration in three dimensions.

The Accelerometer senses the acceleration in three dimensions and then the RX62N microcontroller reads the data and then draws the output indication on the LCD on the kit.

This is the kit and the application on the LCD

This is the video of the kit in action.

Here is the contest entry :

Here is the project on instructables

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