Tuesday, December 24, 2013

PIC 18F4550 Programmer - The best is getting better

It was 2003 since I built my first JDM Microcontroller Programmer. Since that time, I didn't stop programming and building Embedded Systems based on the Microcontroller Microchip PIC 16F84A. I've learned many other Microcontrollers from Microchip and another manufacturers. But I still have the same love for this old Microcontroller and this beautiful programming circuit ( JDM ).

JDM original schematic

I built new Programmers for other Microcontrollers. Recently I searched for a programmer for the Microcontroller PIC18F2220 and I found a software programmer that uses JDM circuit for programming it.

And then I searched about the advanced Microcontroller PIC18F4550 which can be directly connected to the USB port. The best thing was it can also be programmed by the same JDM circuit. The only modification I had to do with the circuit is adding a new socket for the new Microcontroller chips. The Microcontroller chip PIC18F4550 has 40 pins so I had to install an extension to my old JDM circuit because it had no space left.

That`s the way I built this extension. A 40 Pin IC connector on small piece of plastic connected to wire by the conductive ink.

Basically, all the PIC Microcontrollers use the same pins for programming.

Five pins are used for basic serial programming :

Vpp             -----   Programming voltage

Vdd             -----   Vcc

Vss             -----   Gnd

Data            -----   Serial Data


This is the 40 pin IC connector on a piece of plastic

Then I welded the wires to the PIC18F2220 28 pin IC connector.

 The conductive ink and the 40 pin IC connector welded to wires

This is the final circuit after assembly

Programmer software loader used with this circuit :

PicPGM           http://picpgm.picprojects.net/

Screen shot of PicPGM

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This is my project post at instructables.com

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خدمة أمازون برايم هى أحد الخدمات المميزة التى يقدمها موقع أمازون الشهير و التى تتيح من خلالها العديد من العروض والتخفيضات القيمة والمنتجات المميزة وخدمة الشحن المجانى والشحن فى يوم واحد عند الشراء

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Audio Books

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Friday, July 12, 2013

PC Fan Wind Turbine - How to turn a PC Fan into a small Wind Turbine

This post is not about Embedded Systems. But it is about a DIY project of mine. Old cheap PC Fan to a small Wind Turbine.

I looked at the some old PC Fans I have and thought that they can be used as Small Wind Turbines.

PC Fan from Banggood


The PC Fan is Brush less DC ( BLDC ) Motor. It can be converted to a generator in 5 Minutes.

The concept is simple. You can skip this part and start directly with the conversion.

The BLDC motor used here has a stator winding and a Permanent Magnet Rotor. The motor is supplied by 12V DC. But the magnetic field rotation is generated by electronics ( Electronic Commutator ) . As the name implies , the electronics components convert DC into AC which makes the magnetic filed in the stator rotate.

The electronic commutation is achieved by a small IC.

To get the induced current from the motor used a generator , you must remove this IC .

This is what I 'll show you how.

All what you'll need is this tool

crocodile clip

First remove sticker on the back of the fan.

Then you 'll find a small piece of plastic lock that holds Fan shaft secured , Don't brake it. Remove it with a crocodile clip .

PC Fan from Banggood

You may like some vidoes from my YouTube Channel AeroArduino

You can see 4 poles of winding connected in series and have only 2 terminals. To get the induced current ,  connect supply wires to those terminals and let the fan rotate.
With  a solder iron , gently remove solder under IC pins and then remove the IC.

Remove this IC.

PC Fan from Banggood

You can see that the winding is connected to the board at three points. One common and tow other terminals.

 Remove the supply wires form there place to put them in the points where the tow winding wires are connected to the board.

Now , you have the stator ready to generate current. Now install the fan.

PC Fan from Banggood

Assemble the fan in its place and lock it with the piece of plastic I told you about.

Put back the sticker.

Connect LED terminals to the Supply wires. Don't worry about +ve and -ve terminals , the LED will light if you connect it any way , trust me.

Roll the Fan

This video can give you a step by step quick guide

This video shows the fan in action.

PC Fan from Banggood

Here is the project on instructables.com


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يمكنك قراءة هذه المقالة باللغة العربية 

http://idea-arabic.blogspot.com/2014/11/blog-post_26.html Done

You may like one of my new books on Amazon

Check Them Out. You can buy or either read for free with Kindle Unlimited Service

Embedded Systems, Electronics: My Projects Collection From Instructables by [Ebeed, Ahmed]

PC Fan Wind Turbine: How to turn an old PC Fan into a small wind turbine the easy way by [Ebeed, Ahmed]

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Analog Devices ADXL206 Accelerometer interface to PIC16F917 - Purple Cube

This was my first instructable I've ever published. I made it to enter the Make it Purple Contest. And I didn't stop making instructables since then. I really became addicted to it.

In this circuit we 'll learn how to interface an Analog Accelerometer to Microchip PIC16F917

We use in this circuit the Analog Devices 2 Axis Analog Acceleorometer ADXL206 , shown above.

Here is the Proteus ISIS Model


Here are the circuit components

Here is the complete circuit diagram

Here is the circuit after assembly 


I wrote the program in Embedded C Language and used HiTechPIC Compiler.

Here is the Proteus ISIS Model Files And Source Code

Here is the Full Project Steps on Instructables.com

Here is a video for the working Cube

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