Saturday, December 23, 2023

Crisp LED Lights Connected to Fast Wind Turbine

One of my most successful and soul fulfilling projects I've ever made is building small wind turbines that produced power on the beach.

I was thrilled to power flowing from the motor to energize my phone and gadgets.

It also became a sweet source of income just when I started sharing knowledge on my YouTube Channel and my books.

That's what I call real Life Changing Moment.

Full Project and Code - #Arduino Autonomous Guided Vehicle on #Tinkercad ...

One day, I was introduced to this project. I couldn't believe that I could ever make such a project just on Simulator. 

Tinkercad gave me the ability to try different sensors and to learn new techniques in robotics and autonomous cars. 

I then make it work and then moved to the next level and started to build the real thing. But this time with confident and with more knowledge and experience. 

Whatever I say, I couldn't recommend using simulators much. Simulation is giving me more experience, more knowledge and more confidence. It opens more frontiers for me.

Thank you #Tinkercad