Wednesday, July 29, 2009

PIC 16F84 Sound Generation

Do you know that you can generate tones of sound with the PIC16F84?

Yes you can generate these tones similar to the Midi tones of the old mobile phones. This is a very simple and funny circuit and you can try it on the simulation software Proteus ISIS 7 before building it.

Actually the circuit is so small nearly contains no components other than the microcontroller, the crystal oscillator and some resistors.

The software generates the tones according to the predefined words which represent tones.

The circuit lets you choose one of two tones with two push buttons.

You can find the Proteus ISIS Design files DSN, Code ( Assembly ) and HEX file as a sample project in Proteus ISIS 7. From the menu bar , press open file . You 'll find the project under the Proteus --> Samples --> VSM for PIC16 --> PIC Doorbell.

So , open the design now and if you like , start building the circuit and make you own tones.

Have a nice time.

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