Saturday, December 12, 2009

16F84 POV AirText

POV (Persistence Of Vision)

This is a post of LEDs project. The project is called POV (Persistence Of Vision). If you are not familiar with this concept, it works as an LED matrix display.

The difference is that POV display consists of one column of LEDs only and is mechanically scanned through space to give the vision of a 2D LED Matrix Display.

Many projects are built in rotating ( circular motion ) or in oscillating layout ( moving left and right) .

I 've seen this project "AirText " based on the Sun Microsystems Sun Spot , then I wanted to make a similar yet more simple project.

There are many Microcontroller projects based on the POV concept. But i think this is the simplest circuit that can do the job with minimum hardware.

The only drawback with this circuit is that it has no sensor for direction of motion. The
Sun Microsystems Sun Spot has a built in motion sensor called accelerometer. Which senses the amplitude and direction of acceleration. So when the module is moved in one direction it draws the scanned characters according to this direction.

But with this simple circuit using PIC16F84, the characters are drawn in one direction independently of the circuit direction of motion.

You can find the source code , Hex file and Proteus 7 design file here.

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Here is the project on my profile at

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

PIC 16F84 Tetris Video Game

This is an old project that uses the Microcontroller chip PIC16F84 for the famous game Tetris. The output of this circuit is displayed on a TV screen. It also produces sound signals and can be controller by joystick.

I didn't design this circuit nor wrote the software for it , but I found it here and assembled it and found it very interesting. That's why I wanted to share it with my friends.

Here is a screen shot of the game.

And this is the schematic diagram for the circuit.

There is a free Emulator for the Microchip PIC that contains TV screen plug-in for viewing PIC signals that is directed to the TV. I found it here . I also uploaded the file Here.

You can get the project package form here . It contains the schematics , PCB and software .

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Moway robot

Moway is a robotic system based on the famous Microchip PIC Microcontroller. It is very useful for students of robotics and embedded systems courses.

Moway is a small autonomous robot designed mainly for practical applications of mobile robotics.

Technical Specifications:

The robot is controller by a 4Mhz PIC16F876A Micorcontroller.

As for the drive system, Moway has a dual servo-motor unit enables it to move.

The drive system is a closed loop system that uses PWM signals to control the speed of the motor and an encoder signal to measure the speed.

The movement of Moway can be controlled through different parameters:

Speed control, Time control , Distance traveled and Angle control.

Also, Moway is equipped with sensors used for advanced autonomous motion control :

Line sensor : Mounted on the lower front part of the robot to determine the shade of color on which the robot is standing.

Obstacle detection sensors : These sensors operate in the same way as the line sensors, but they can determine the presence of obstacles ( in digital mode ) and the distance of it ( in analog mode ).

Light sensors : Measures the intensity of ambient light and the change in it.

Moway has an expansion connector to which an RF module can be connected to communicate with other Moways or with a PC.

There are four LEDs used for indication.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

16F917 CCP Block PWM

PIC 16F917 PWM Generation:

PWM can easily be generated on the PIC 16F917 using the CCP block . If you are new to this concept then let me introduce it to you.

New Microcontrollers contain dedicated hardware blocks for generating signals and for doing special functions. An example of these blocks is the CCP block in many Microchip Microcontrollers.

In this post, I 'll introduce you with the CCP block of the PIC 16F917 Microcontroller.

It is called Capture , Compare and PWM block. Here, we explain the PWM function.

As the name implies, it generates PWM signals in hardware instead of the software PWM signal we generated using the PIC 16F84 in an old post of this blog.

The advantage of this concept is that you save code space and processing time for another functions and tasks.

So how can you configure this block ?

You 'll find an extensive explanation for this topic on the PIC 16F917 datasheet.

And I used this link to calculate the values for the block configuration registers.

You can find the design files and source code for the project here .

Now you can use this project to control any circuit with PWM signals generated with PIC 16F917 CCP PWM block as you did before by using PIC 16F84.

You can control DC motor speed , LED intensity and make Mood Light.

If you have any questions or feedback, contact me.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

PIC 16F84 Sound Generation

Do you know that you can generate tones of sound with the PIC16F84?

Yes you can generate these tones similar to the Midi tones of the old mobile phones. This is a very simple and funny circuit and you can try it on the simulation software Proteus ISIS 7 before building it.

Actually the circuit is so small nearly contains no components other than the microcontroller, the crystal oscillator and some resistors.

The software generates the tones according to the predefined words which represent tones.

The circuit lets you choose one of two tones with two push buttons.

You can find the Proteus ISIS Design files DSN, Code ( Assembly ) and HEX file as a sample project in Proteus ISIS 7. From the menu bar , press open file . You 'll find the project under the Proteus --> Samples --> VSM for PIC16 --> PIC Doorbell.

So , open the design now and if you like , start building the circuit and make you own tones.

Have a nice time.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

New Microcontroller Chip : PIC16f917

Microchip PIC 16F917

I used the Microchip PIC 16F917 in simple programs and tried the good features of it. I ordered some samples from and they sent them to me. I searched online for a simple programmer that I use it to program the chip the same way I do with the PIC 16F84. I found it here . And I uploaded it here in case you couldn't find it .

The programming circuit is very simple and uses the serial port.

Here is the schematic diagram :

After you build this simple circuit, you can use the program to load the HEX file.

This is a snapshot of the software :

The Microchip PIC 16F917 microcontroller is a very nice and modern chip. You can find its datasheet here :

You can see the circuit I built lately here :

You 'll see more projects using this chip. And I 'll be posting projects for the PIC 16F84.

By the way, The PIC 16F917 is backward compatible with the PIC 16F84. That means if you write a code for PIC 16F84 in assembly or C or even compiled it to HEX file , you can still use it with the PIC 16F917 without a change in code or a recompilation.

Happy programming. Have a nice time.

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