Monday, April 9, 2018

Arduino Li-Fi Communication Project

Visual Light Communication is a new way of communication that uses visual light as a main carrier of information.

Unlike traditional radio wave communications and infrared communications, VLC provides secure, larger bandwidth and safe medium for communication.

Li-Fi Light Fidelity is a system of visual light communication that has been coined at 2011 by Dr. Harald Haas.

The systems uses LED bulbs as Li-Fi transmitter.

Dr. Hararld has founded PureLifi Company to produce Li-Fi products.

Many Li-Fi projects can be built by Arduino.

In this post, we’ll check this project made by jpiat

The transmitter circuit uses 1 watt LED lamp controlled by Arduino Mini Pro.

And the receiver circuit uses LED as a photo detector.

The project is a proof of concept and is used for comparison of different types of LED upon transmission parameters.

The data show the following:

·     Blue clear LED : communication speed ~600bit/s, communication distance ~7cm
·     Red clear ultra-bright LED: communication speed ~600bit/s, communication distance ~30cm
·     RGB led with only red channel used on reception : communication speed ~600bit/s, communication distance ~4cm
·     1 Watt RGB led bulb: Communication ~1kbit/s, communication distance ~3m line of sight (with receiver properly oriented).





 Project Source:

Check our books on Amazon:

Learn By Making: Embedded Systems Tutorial for Students and Beginners

Embedded Systems, Electronics: My Projects Collection From Instructables

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