Today I found an Arduino controlled model train that you can move using your phone.
It uses Arduino Nano as a controller and HC-06 Bluetooth module to connect to the smartphone.
Then the train is driver by the L293D H-Bridge.
Arduino Nano
HC-06 Bluetooth Module
L293D H-Bridge

// ARDUINORAILMAKET.RU // SimpleСmdStation.ino // 05.02.2017 // Author: Steve Massikker //// GPIO PINS //// // L298 #define ENA_PIN 3 #define IN1_PIN 4 #define IN2_PIN 5 //// VARIABLES //// boolean stringComplete = false; String inputString = ""; void setup() { // Initialize Serial Serial.begin(9600); inputString.reserve(16); // Initialize Motor Driver pinMode(ENA_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(IN1_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(IN2_PIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { if (stringComplete) { // ----------- START COMMAND PARSING ----------- // //THROTTLE if (inputString.charAt(0) =='t') { if (inputString.charAt(1) =='0') { analogWrite(ENA_PIN, 0); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='1') { analogWrite(ENA_PIN, 80); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='2') { analogWrite(ENA_PIN, 100); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='3') { analogWrite(ENA_PIN, 150); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='4') { analogWrite(ENA_PIN, 200); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='5') { analogWrite(ENA_PIN, 255); } } // DIRECTION if (inputString.charAt(0) =='d') { if (inputString.charAt(1) =='r') { digitalWrite(IN1_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2_PIN, LOW); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='f') { digitalWrite(IN1_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(IN2_PIN, HIGH); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='s') { digitalWrite(IN1_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(IN2_PIN, LOW); analogWrite(ENA_PIN, 0); } } //TEST if (inputString.charAt(0) =='j') { if (inputString.charAt(1) =='a') { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } if (inputString.charAt(1) =='b') { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } } // ----------- END COMMAND PARSING ----------- // inputString = ""; stringComplete = false; } } // ----------- FUNCTIONS ----------- // void serialEvent() { while (Serial.available() ) { char inChar = (char); inputString += inChar; if (inChar == 'z') { stringComplete = true; } } }
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