Sunday, June 24, 2018


This is a new post about one of my favorite DIY projects.

I've succeeded in building my first working wind turbine made of recycled materials and posted it on instructables.

However, due to the nature of this wind turbine hub and blades it didn't withstand environmental conditions like Sun and Wind.

It eventually broke. Now I've decided to build my new wind turbine.

Also made from recycled materials and even easier to make.

It's also made from stronger materials so it can last longer and withstand environmental conditions.

Read all the story from here.

Last year I made TurbineOne , a completely recycled material wind turbine. Actually it was so simple and easy to make. But it was also so fragile due to the fact that its hub was made of compact discs CDs. As you can see in the photo, strong wind in one day has cracked the hub leaving the blades unconnected. The project was very inspiring and motivational. I've learned new stuff.
This year I wanted to make something more durable. With Simplicity and Recycling in mind I came up with a new idea of making a wind turbine using ready made blades from an old fan. Here comes the concept idea behind TurbineOne V2.

Step 1: Concept

I've tested making this turbine setup in one of my previous instructable. I wanted to make a quick test for the concept.

Of course, it was something obvious and very straight forward but I wanted to really make sure that the wind is able to rotate the fan blades and resist the high motor torque.

I was in doubt because the motor had high rotation torque resistance. So I tried it in this instructable.

It worked excellent even in slow wind. I was really surprised and it made me more motivated to finish this wind turbine setup.

Step 2: Components
Here are the components for this project , you can see that nearly all of them are recycled materials :

This was the only new component I bought for this project.
Old steel groom --- This is the main pole for the wind turbine

Old CD-Rom player metal cover --- This is the directing rudder. For wind turbine automatic direction through all wind situations.
PET bottle ---- To cover and protect the motor against dust and water.
Some Wires

Step 3: Construction
Very simple construction.
First, make the cover of the motor using the PET bottle.
Cut the bottle in two halves and cover the motor with them. Use a solder iron to shrink the bottle around the motor.

Step 4: Install the Rudder
I wanted to make something new in this version so I've decided to install a directional rudder that can direct the wind turbine automatically.
In the previous version there were no rudder installed, so I had to adjust its direction everyday according to the wind direction.
I used an old CD drive cover as a rudder and connected it to the wind turbine using tie raps.
Installed the generator to the pole using tie raps around it.
Connect a long wire to the motor terminals.

Step 5: Test
Put the wind turbine pole on a high place where you can have enough wind to run your wind turbine.

Check my book on Amazon Learn By Making.

Here is the project on my page on instructables

This post has been featured on Hackaday website. It has been dubbed as The Most Straightforward Wind Turbine.

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