Mturk Jobs

Mturk Jobs
Mturk Jobs


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Building your first circuit application with PIC16F84A

Enough simulators!!

You may want to try the real circuit to see the microcontroller in action right now. I encourage you to build the circuit and feel it working. This will make you happy and will be a motivation to learn more about microcontrollers and make useful circuits.

So what do you need to get started?

- I guess you have the programming circuit and you have loaded the chip with the HEX file. If not yet, please do it now.

All you need you do is to put the chip in its socket in the programmer and open the program ICProg.

You need to configure the program as follows:

1) Form Settings menu, select Hardware.

- Select JDM Programmer.
- Select the com port you use.
- Select Windows API for Interface menu.

2) Select the microcontroller of your focus (Microchip PIC 16F84A) from the device menu.

3) Select the Flasher.Hex file to be loaded into the Microcontroller .

4) Choose HS for the Oscillator and clear WDT option.

- Build the simplest application circuit for the PIC, the LED flasher.

Here is the schematic.

Simple, isn‘t it?

You don‘t need to make it complex. The push button connected to the pin 4 (~MCLR) is connected to demonstrate how to connect the circuit if you want to reset the microcontroller. If you don‘t need to do this (in this small project) connect the pin 4 to Vcc directly (+ terminal of the battery). This connection makes the microcontroller awake (not reset).

If every thing goes right, you get the LED flashing at a visible rate. Congratulations , you ‘ve just built your first embedded project!

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