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C++ Programming" covers all essential C++ knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of C++ fast and easily. This book includes many practical Hands-On Projects. You can study C++ coding with Hands-On Projects. Table of Contents Hour 1 Start C++ Hour 2 Statements Hour 3 Use Array Hour 4 String Hour 5 Class & Object Hour 6 Pointer & Reference Hour 7 File Operation Hour 8 C++ Static Exception Vector Appendix C++ 100 Tests & Answers 100 Tests 100 Answers Source Code for Download
If I managed to build it
and it works so you can make it too. This is no joke. I've built this one with
only half brain.
I came back from my
exhausting night shift at work and wanted to spend some time in something
useful and guess what I could come up with. Yes. A working wind turbine.
I really come from night
shift feeling that I am only thinking and seeing the world with only half a
brain. Let's get started.
This is how I look after
coming home from a night shift.
1: Collect Stuff
Here are the components
for this project , you can see that nearly all of them are recycled materials :