Now, we 'll explain it step-by-step. Just remember, when I started learning Microcontroller programming, I started by understanding this program in detail and put on it my own comments to make me remember what each piece of code did.
list p=16f84
include ""
; This part is necessary for the compiler to
; know the type of the PIC you are using.
org 0x00
goto start
; The word ORG tells the compiler to put the following code ( goto
; start label ) in the address 0x00 which is the reset vector of the PIC
org 0x20
; Again. Puts the label start at the address 0x20
bcf INTCON,7
; Clear the R7 bit in the register INTCON which disables the interrupts
movlw 0x00
; Put 0x00 in the W register
bsf STATUS,5
; Set the Bit 5 in the status register which selects Bank 1 in the RAM
movwf TRISB
; Copy the W register content into TRISB register
; [ makes PORTB output]
bcf STATUS,5
; Clear the Bit 5 in the status register which selects Bank 0 in the RAM
; This is a label for the repeating part of the program
movlw 0x80
movwf PORTB
; Copies 0x80 [binary 1000 0000 ] in the W register
; Copy the W register content into PORTB register
call delay
; This command calls the Delay routine.
movlw 0x00
movwf PORTB
; Copies 0x00 [binary 0000 0000 ] in the W register
; Copy the W register content into PORTB register
goto again
; This label is important to keep the program running forever
; This is the label for the delay routine
; The delay consists of 3 nested loops
movlw 0x01
movwf 0x0e
; Put 0x01 in W register
; And copy it to the memory address 0x0e in RAM
; Label
movlw 0xfa
movwf 0x0d
; Put 0xfa in W register
; And copy it to the memory address 0x0d in RAM
; Label
movlw 0xfa
movwf 0x0c
; Put 0xfa in W register
; And copy it to the memory address 0x0c in RAM
; Label
decfsz 0x0c,1
; Decrease contents of memory address 0x0c by 1 ,
; then skip the next command if the result is zero
goto loop1
; goto the outer loop
decfsz 0x0d,1
; Decrease contents of memory address 0x0d by 1 ,
; then skip the next command if the result is zero
goto loop2
; goto the outer loop
decfsz 0x0e,1
; Decrease contents of memory address 0x0e by 1 ,
; then skip the next command if the result is zero
goto loop3
; goto the outer loop
; Retrun from the Delay routine
; must be put at the end of the program
This is the end of the program. Now that you understand this basic program of LED flasher, you can understand more complex programs and tricks.
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1 comment:
assalam alaykom wara7matollah
First i wanna say Good job..i was really glad to find some "young" arabian-muslim interrested in PIC programming..
I read some of your posts and they re good (to some extent)..
for this one ,i wanted to suggest that you replace comments on moving 0x00 to PORTB by some more "expressive" comments like "we switch off the port pins/led..."
i hope you ill continue in this effort and may allah bless you :)
fe amen elleh
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