The spindle motor is a special type of Brushless DC ( BLDC )Motor that runs on high speed.
Unlike other types of motors, spindle motors have more than 2 terminals ( They can have 3 , 4 or five terminals ) .
Thus , the spindle motor is driven by switching its coils ON and OFF according to certain sequence. The function of the microcontroller is generating the driving signals.
Of course, the output current of the Microcontroller is not sufficient to drive the motor coils. There is an interfacing IC that can supply the motor coils with the suitable driving current.
This IC is ULN2003. It acts as an electronic switch opened and closed according to the output signals of the Microcontroller.
I connected the ULN2003 IC to the Microcontroller on the prototyping bradboard.

This is the real circuit connection

As you can see , I used an old hard disk drive motor. This is a three coil spindle motor. Actually it has 4 terminals ( 3 Coils and 1 Common ).

You can see the four terminals on the back of the motor
This video shows the spindle motor connected to the driving circuit and rotating
You can find the source code and simulation files on this link.
This is the schematic diagram of the circuit.
You can get this offer of 5 stepper motors with 5 ULN2003 boards from Amazon or Banggood
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