Copyright © 2015 MicroMonitor
This is the first time to make a project that I post each
step as I finish it.
The project I am working on these days is a self controlled quadcopter.
Before, I used to build the project completely then I start posting it on my blog and on
I am really enjoying it and feeling that posting small steps
makes me more ambitious to make the next step and to finish the whole project.
In this step, I've built the Proteus simulation model
for my Quadcopter board.
I really love Proteus and use it in all my embedded
systems projects.
Here , I ‘ll try a new approach. I want to drive the four
brushless motors using the driver IC L293D using PWM signals generated from the
PIC 16F777 Microcontroller.
I ‘ve another thing I don’t know if it will work. I ‘ll try
to fly the Quadcopter using 2 axis accelerometer to measure the pitch and roll
angels. I’ll not use a gyroscope or an accelerometer in the 3rd (
vertical ) axis .
Here in the simulation software I intend to make an
electrical simulation only ( not aerodynamic simulation )
Here I used the ADXL206 2 axis accelerometer. I have no
model for it in the Proteus software , so I used a couple of potentiometers to simulate the analog output from the accelerometer to the Microcontroller Analog input pins .
You can check this Quadcopter with Camera from eBay from Here
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