He is a simple Arduino project that I wanted to share with you.
When I first started to learn microcontroller I used to blink that LED as a very primitive embedded software project.
So I used those microcontroller generated signals to drive speakers and buzzers to make sounds with different frequencies.
One of those reasons to make these projects was to make an electronic Mosquito Repellent.
As the legend says, high audio frequencies keep Mosquitoes away from you.
Of course, this turned out to be a hoax and you can try it for yourself. This simply cannot keep pests nor dogs away from you.
This only represents sound for them.
I've tried many circuits and Android App that generated high frequencies to repel Mosquitoes with no use.
However, the project is so easy and can be modified to be used as an Ultrasonic Ranging device.
I thought of modifying the code to make one piezoelectric transducer act as a transmitter and the other to act as a reciever.
I have many trnasducers of them so I want to try that project someday.

Arduino Uno
Piezoelectric Disk
Header Pins
A breadboard (optional)
Soldering Iron
Soldering Lead
The circuit is very simple, one of the piezoelectric disk is connected to digital pin 9 and the other to digital pin 11. The left over terminal of both the disks is connected together and soldered to the ground terminal of the Arduino.

int speaker = 9; int frequency = 31000; int speaker2 = 11; int frequency2 = 31000;void setup(){ pinMode(speaker, OUTPUT); pinMode(speaker2, OUTPUT); }void loop(){ tone(speaker, frequency, 1000); tone(speaker2, frequency2, 1000); }
Source: Instructables
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